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A Bit About Me

The reason I do what I do and I chose this career is actually a rather personal one. When I was 15 years old, I didn’t really like the way that I looked, which is a growing issue in today’s society with the growth of social media and its influence. I placed self-worth and value in body image which is a sure tested way to lead to never being satisfied, due the fact your body changes on a day-to-day basis. This is dependent on numerous factors such as; what you’ve eaten, how much water you’ve drank and even the type of lighting you find yourself in just to name a few. I’d also just started playing rugby and a lot of my friends were bigger and stronger than me as a young man this made me feel insecure.

Fast track a couple of years, I’d put on some muscle, gained aN Influx of knowledge through relentless personal research, being my own guinea pig and got my diploma in personal training. Although I had done all of these things the definitive moment of when I knew I wanted to be a coach was when I lost my father and brother to mental health. This is where I began to really get to know myself. I realised that everything I thought brought me happiness, and all the goals I thought I wanted to achieve weren’t really what I wanted at all.

I was struggling with a bunch of issues such as depression and anxiety and a decreased lust for life and the only true consistent thing that remained in my life was the gym. I saw the value that consistent exercise, going to the gym and having a structured exercise program brought, which by the way, is far greater than ripped abs for 2 weeks whilst you drink mojitos in Ibiza.

It provided me with discipline, self-belief, it cleared the brain fog that I was dealing with. I enjoyed the direct correlation of hard work equalling results because the evidence was there. When I ate well and worked out and stuck to my plan, I looked the way I wanted to look for myself, my body felt the way I wanted it to feel and my mind was clear.

A lot of people are going through a lot of physical and mental trouble and I’ve been able to help and educate people going through what I went through and offer them a leg up through the way I know how which is exercise, diet and nutrition. Its very rare to find a career that presents you with that opportunity

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